
What is SailPass: SailPass is a way for people who aren’t already a Member of a sailing club to be eligible to sail in RGYC races. SailPass offers a flexible, accessible and affordable introduction to sailing for people new to the sport and, importantly for SailPass holders and boat-owners alike, provides personal injury insurance cover through Australian Sailing.

A Sail Pass can be used for any RGYC club racing, including Twilight, Saturday and Winter racing. After your 12th use of your Sail Pass, you will need to become an RGYC Member to continue sailing.

And best of all, a Sail Pass at RGYC is completely free. Sail Passes are available via the Memberpoint App or direct from the Club’s Reception on race day – it’s quick, easy and more affordable than participating in just about any other sport.


  • You get to go sailing – an amazingly fun and adventurous activity – at no cost.
  • You get access to our amazing Club for the day
  • You receive Member discounts on bar and café purchases.
  • Via our Memberpoint app – you can register your details into our crew register and skippers can find you via our app!
  • Also via our app, as a Sail Pass member you will have a login and you can find a skipper!!
  • You get Australian Sailing personal accident insurance for the day
  • Your Sail Pass membership also enables your skipper to sign you on as a “PERSON ONBOARD”
  • You get an Australian Sailing number for the day (necessary for all who race)

Please note – it is mandatory that all who sail at RGYC to hold a valid Sail Pass or be a current financial member. The 12 Sail Passes are not each season but accumulate over your lifetime.

How to access your Sail Pass

  1. Download the Member Point app to your mobile device
  2. Choose Royal Geelong Yacht Club and complete the sign up process
  3. Purchase your Sail Pass, and head to the club to go sailing!

Click here for a guide to setup your Sailpass account

Click here for a guide to get a Sailpass when you come back again

I can’t login to my account or remember my username and password

Your username is your RGYC Member Number. This can be found on your member access card.

Your password is your date and month of birth, expressed in four numbers – DDMM.

If you still have issues logging in, please see RGYC staff for assistance.

When adding crew, I cannot find a particular crew member.

The easiest way to search for a member is by using a single search term. For example, try just searching for someone’s first or last name.
This will produce a larger set of search results but should ensure all members with that name are shown. You can search by the sailors RGYC Member Number, First Name or Surname.

I am having issues submitting a Crew Declaration

To submit a crew declaration for RGYC sailing, you must select MEMBER SERVICES, not crew. We understand this may be confusing but it is how the application is set up.

Please note that you can submit a crew declaration for an upcoming race as early as the day after the last race of the series. If you know your crew, there is no need to wait until race day or until you are on the water to complete the process.

Any sailor on board your boat can submit your Crew Declaration on the skippers behalf. Crew Declarations are not exclusive

You can also submit your crew application as many times as required based on changes to your crew. For example; you might submit your crew declaration on Monday for an upcoming Wednesday Twilight race. On Wednesday, if you have a change of crew, simply login, remove or add crew as required, and submit the crew declaration again. As long as your crew declaration is accurate at the first warning signal, you will not be penalized and will assist our volunteers.

Why do I have to submit a crew declaration as well as radio RG Base or the Race Committee?

RGYC carries a duty of care for all club organized activites. As part of this duty of care, it’s important we know a number of details about each boat, including who is on board on that day. The crew declaration process allows RGYC to know the number and names of people on board, as well as important information such as medical conditions, age, and emergency contact information. In an emergency, this information may prove critical.

Your radio sign on is an additional safety net, that allows verbal communication with your club volunteers and ensures all of our VHF communications are working correctly prior to sailing.

Together, these two processes allow volunteers and staff to know how many boats and people are on the water, who those people are and in the event of an emergency, what other factors may need to be considered.

The application has frozen or is showing an ‘application error’.

We suggest completely quitting the application and restarting the application.

On an apple device, this is achieved by swiping up on the screen from the very bottom of the screen. This will show you a carousel of open applications. Swipe UP on the MemberPoint application.

Often, an application error is doubled with a Wi-Fi/ internet issue. We suggest turning your Wi-Fi off and using your phones data before reopening MemberPoint.

I am still having trouble with MemberPoint.

Your best option is to contact the Sailing Office for assistance. You can email [email protected]. Call the club on 5229 3705, or head to Reception during office hours.
It is vital that you seek assistance as early as possible. Staff and volunteers may be otherwise engaged in the immediate lead up to sailing and the solution may take some time to fix.

A brief instructional video on the use of Memberpoint is available below.