Royal Warrant

Royal Warrant – Dated 27th Day of March 1924 (as written).

“By the Commissioners for executing the Office of The Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland etc.

Whereby we deem it expedient that vessels belonging to the Royal Geelong Yacht Club shall be permitted to wear the Blue Ensign of His Majesty’s fleet.

We do by virtue of the Power and Authority vested in us hereby warrant and authorise the Blue Ensign of His Majesty’s fleet to be worn on board the respective vessels belonging to the Royal Geelong Yacht Club.

Given under Our Hands and the Seal of the Office of Admiralty the Twentyseventh day of March One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twentyfour.”

By Command of their Lordships,

A. Boyle.

O. Murray

H. F. Oliver

Royal Warrant