Fireball and Cadet Sailors were treated to a training weekend at RGYC over September 16th and 17th
The Fireballs sailed Saturday morning in strong winds that tested the fitness and boat handling skills of the fleet. With gusts hovering around 30knots the decision was made to use the afternoon for theory. Cadets also planned an on water session in the afternoon but decided land based activities were a better option!
The weather on Sunday was far kinder, with Chris and Lee doing a fabulous job running windward leeward training courses for both fleet, supported by Roger and Care as safety support.
The close racing in the Fireball fleet of 6 meant very little wait time before finishing one race and starting the next.
This was a fantastic training opportunity for the Fireball Worlds and the Cadet Sailors relished the opportunity to share this experience as the future fireball sailors!