COVID-19 UPDATE – Wednesday 27th April 2022
Dear Members,
At the RGYC Board meeting on Tuesday, 26th April 2022, it was decided the RGYC Covid-19 policy be aligned with the State Government regulations on an on-going basis. This means the previous requirement for all visitors to RGYC be double vaccinated no longer applies.
At 11.59 pm on Friday, 22nd April 2022, the Victorian Government announced the relaxation of most major Covid-19 restrictions. Members and guests of RGYC will no longer be required to check in using Q.R. codes or wear face masks while at the club and on club grounds.
We continue to encourage all members and guests to consider the health of safety of themselves and others, and follow all Victorian Government guidelines in regards to social distancing, testing and reporting of positive Covid-19 cases.
To view all the remaining current restrictions, please see HERE.
Stuart Dickson
To view the latest information from the State Government, please see HERE.
To view the latest information and COVID-19 Updates from Australian Sailing, please see HERE.
To view the RGYC COVID-19 Safe Plan, please click HERE.
More Information:
Australian Sailing COVID-19 Information Hub
AIS Framework: Rebooting Sport in a COVID-19 Environment
Australian Government Department of Health Updates
Coronavirus Health Information Line: 1800 020 080
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636
Lifeline Australia: 13 11 14